HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource In this talk, we present HeiNER, the multilingual Heidelberg Named Entity Resource. HeiNER contains more than 1.5 million disambiguated English Named Entities (NE) together with their translations and transliterations to 15 languages. Our work builds on the approach described in (Bunescu and Pasca, 2006), yet extends it to a multilingual dimension. NEs contain crucial information about texts and thus are often used in Natural Language Processing applications. We will present how to mine Wikipedia to extract disambiguated NEs by simple a heuristic with a precision of 95% and exploit the crosslingual information contained in the online encyclopedia to carry out the translation and transliteration of NEs in various languages. The internal link structure can be used to gather linguistic contexts for every disambiguated NE which should make HeiNER a valuable resource not only for NE translation but also for NE Recognition and Disambiguation.