Processing urban youth language (Ines Rehbein) Language data from registers and domains other than written newspaper text can pose severe challenges for Natural Language Processing. A case in point is informal spoken communication which is characterised by its expressivity (shown, e.g., by the use of interjections and exclamatives) and interactivity (use of backchannel signals and question tags). In addition, the data includes disfluencies such as repetitions, repairs, breaks and fillers (uh, uhm) and syntactic structures which are common in informal spoken language but will not occur in canonical written text from the newspaper domain. We present the KiezDeutsch-Korpus (KiDKo), a corpus of spontaneous peergroup dialogues of adolescents from multiethnic and monoethnic areas of Berlin, annotated with parts of speech, chunks and topological fields. In the talk, we will shortly describe the processing pipeline used for building the corpus, and then focus on (semi-supervised) methods to address the data sparseness problem and to improve POS tagging/parsing accuracies.