@inproceedings{parcalabescufrank:2020, author = "Parcalabescu, Letitia and Frank, Anette", title = "{Exploring Phrase Grounding without Training: Contextualisation and Extension to Text-Based Image Retrieval}", year = "2020", url = "https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content\_CVPRW\_2020/html/w56/Parcalabescu\_Exploring\_Phrase\_Grounding\_Without\_Training\_Contextualisation\_and\_Extension\_to\_Text-Based\_CVPRW\_2020\_paper.html", note = "; also presented at: ALVR 2020: First Workshop on Advances in Language and Vision Research (co-located with ACL 2020)", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimodal Learning (In conjunction with CVPR 2020)", address = "Seattle, WA, USA" }