Sikos, J., Versley, Y., and Frank, A. (2016) Implicit Semantic Roles in a Multilingual Setting. Proceedings of the Fifth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (* SEM 2016), Berlin, Germany, 11-12 August, pp. 45--54, *SEM. [ bib | .pdf ]
Versley, Y. and Steen, J. (2016) Detecting Annotation Scheme Variation in Out-of-Domain Treebanks. Calzolari, N., Choukri, K., Declerck, T., and Grobelnik, M. (eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Paris, France, pp. 2354--2360, European Language Resources Association (ELRA). [ bib | .pdf ]
Candito, M., Choi, J., and Versley, Y. (eds.) (2015) Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages (SPMRL 2015). [ bib | .html ]
Haas, M. and Versley, Y. (2015) Subsentential Sentiment on a Shoestring: A Crosslingual Analysis of Compositional Classification. Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT 2015). [ bib ]
Kirilin, A. and Versley, Y. (2015) What is hard in Universal Dependency Parsing? 6th Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages (SPMRL 2015), pp. 31--38. [ bib | .pdf ]
Goldberg, Y., Marton, Y., Versley, Y., Özlem Çetinoglu, Rehbein, I., Tetrault, J., Kübler, S., Seddah, D., and Tsarfaty, R. (eds.) (2014) First Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages and Syntactic Analysis of Non-Canonical Languages. [ bib | http ]
Versley, Y. (2014) Experiments with Easy-first nonprojective constituent parsing. Proceedings of the First Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages and Syntactic Analysis of Non-Canonical Languages. [ bib | http ]
Versley, Y. (2014) Incorporating Semi-supervised Features into Discontinuous Easy-first Constituent Parsing. Tech. rep., SPMRL Shared Task. [ bib | .pdf ]
Telljohann, H., Versley, Y., Beck, K., Hinrichs, E., and Zastrow, T. (2013) STTS als Part-of-Speech-Tagset in Tübinger Baumbanken. Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics. [ bib | .pdf ]
Versley, Y. (2013) A graph-based approach for implicit discourse relations. CLIN Journal, 3, 148--173. [ bib | .pdf ]
Versley, Y. (2013) Graph-based Classification of Explicit and Implicit Discourse Relations. International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2013). [ bib ]
Versley, Y. (2013) SFS-TUE: Compound Paraphrasing with a Language Model and Discriminative Reranking. Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), Volume 2: Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2013). [ bib | http ]
Versley, Y. and Gastel, A. (2013) Linguistic Tests for Discourse Relations in the TüBa-D/Z Treebank of German. Dialogue & Discourse, 4, 142--173. [ bib | http ]
Versley, Y. (2012) Supervised Learning of German Qualia Relations. ACL 2012 Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages. [ bib ]
Versley, Y., Brock, A., Henrich, V., and Hinrichs, E. (2012) Three Approaches to Finding German Valence Compounds. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung Natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS 2012). [ bib | .pdf ]
Versley, Y. and Panchenko, Y. (2012) Not just bigger: Towards Better-Quality Web Corpora. Seventh Web-as-Corpus Workshop at WWW2012 (WAC7). [ bib ]
Versley, Y. (2011) Multilabel Tagging of Discourse Relations in Ambiguous Temporal Connectives. Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing. [ bib ]
Versley, Y. (2011) Towards finer-grained tagging of discourse connectives. DGfS Workshop Beyond Semantics. [ bib ]
Broscheit, S., Poesio, M., Ponzetto, S., Joseba-Rodriguez, K., Romano, L., Uryupina, O., Versley, Y., and Zanoli, R. (2010) BART: A Multilingual Anaphora Resolution System. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2010), Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 104--107. [ bib | .pdf ]
Broscheit, S., Ponzetto, S., Versley, Y., and Poesio, M. (2010) Extending BART to provide a coreference resolution system for German. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Valletta, Malta. [ bib | .pdf ]
Poesio, M., Ponzetto, S., and Versley, Y. (2010) Computational Models of Anaphora Resolution: A Survey. Tech. rep., University of Trento. [ bib | .pdf ]
Recasens, M., Màrquez, L., Taulé, M., Martí, M., Hoste, V., Poesio, M., and Versley, Y. (2010) SemEval-2010 Task 1: Coreference Resolution in Multiple Languages. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2010). [ bib ]
Rodiguez, K., Delogu, F., Versley, Y., Stemle, E., and Poesio, M. (2010) Anaphoric Annotation of Wikipedia and Blogs in the Live Memories Corpus. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. [ bib ]
Tsarfaty, R., Seddah, D., Goldberg, Y., Kübler, S., Candito, M., Foster, J., Versley, Y., Rehbein, I., and Tounsi, L. (2010) Statistical parsing of morphologically rich languages (SPMRL): what, how and whither. Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages. [ bib ]
Versley, Y. (2010) Discovery of Ambiguous and Unambiguous Discourse Connectives via Annotation Projection. Workshop on the Annotation and Exploitation of Parallel Corpora (AEPC). [ bib ]
Versley, Y., Beck, K., Hinrichs, E., and Telljohann, H. (2010) A Syntax-first Approach to High-quality Morphological Analysis and Lemma Disambiguation for the TüBa-D/Z Treebank. 9th Conference on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT9). [ bib ]
Biggio, S., Giuliano, C., Poesio, M., Versley, Y., Uryupina, O., and Zanoli, R. (2009) Local entity detection and recognition task. Proceedings of Evalita 2009. [ bib ]
Versley, Y. and Rehbein, I. (2009) Scalable Discriminative Parsing for German. International Conference on Parsing Technology. [ bib ]
Versley, Y., Ponzetto, S., Poesio, M., Eidelman, V., Jern, A., Smith, J., Yang, X., and Moschitti, A. (2008) BART: A modular toolkit for coreference resolution. Companion Volume to the Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Columbus, Ohio, June, pp. 9--12, demo session paper. [ bib | http ]
Versley, Y., Ponzetto, S., Poesio, M., Eidelman, V., Jern, A., Smith, J., Yang, X., and Moschitti, A. (2008) BART: A modular toolkit for coreference resolution. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakech, Marocco, May. [ bib | .pdf ]
Versley, Y. (2008) Decorrelation and shallow semantic patterns for distributional clustering of nouns and verbs. Proceedings of the ESSLLI Workshop on Distributional Lexical Semantics. [ bib | http ]
Versley, Y. (2008) Vagueness and Referential Ambiguity in a Large-Scale Annotated Corpus. Research on Language and Computation, 6, 333--353. [ bib | http ]
Versley, Y., Moschitti, A., Poesio, M., and Yang, X. (2008) Coreference systems based on kernels methods. Coling 2008. [ bib | .pdf ]
Versley, Y. (2007) Antecedent Selection Techniques for High-Recall Coreference Resolution. Proceedings of the 2007 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning (EMNLP-CoNLL). [ bib | http ]
Versley, Y. and Zinsmeister, H. (2006) From surface dependencies towards deeper semantic representations. Proceedings of the 5th International "Treebanks and Linguistic Theories" conference. [ bib | .pdf ]
Versley, Y. (2005) Parser Evaluation across Text Types. Fourth Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT 2005). [ bib ]
Schilder, F., Versley, Y., and Habel, C. (2004) Extracting spatial information: grounding, classifying and linking spatial expressions. Proceedings of the workshop on geographic information retrieval at SIGIR 2004. [ bib ]

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