Title: Wikipedia enrichment via news sources Wikipedia has become the most used Internet encyclopedia and, indeed, one of the most popular websites overall. In addition, due to Wikipedia's inclusion into widely used applications such as Google KnowledgeGraph or Apple's Siri system, its content will influence the knowledge and, potentially, the behavior of millions of users, even if they do not visit the Wikipedia site directly. Therefore, it is essential that its content is both up-to-date and reliable. One of the ways manual editing seeks to ensure both these properties is extensive referencing of (authoritative) news sources. This talk will present work-in-progress about partially automating the inclusion of news into Wikipedia. I will present the results of two preliminary studies. The first one looks at suggesting novel news articles for a given entity page in Wikipedia, relying on the salience as well as relative authority of entities in the article. The second one investigates automatic citation provision for fine-grained Wikipedia statements, to ensure their verifiability. We posit three properties such a citation should have: (i) the citation should entail the Wikipedia statement, (ii) the statement should be central to the citation, and (iii) the citation should be from an authoritative source.