001 "Put tea in a heat-resistant jug and add the boiling water." WordNet(e1) = "tea%1:13:00::", WordNet(e2) = "jug%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "put tea in a" 002 "The kitchen holds patient drinks and snacks." WordNet(e1) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "drink%1:13:04::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "the kitchen holds" Comment: or Location-Located. 003 "Where are the batteries kept in a phone?" WordNet(e1) = "battery%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "phone%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "batteries kept in" Comment: the sentence does not entail that the batteries are inside the phone, though it is a likely interpretation. The real issue is that batteries are part of what we normally consider a working phone. 004 "This answer leads me to think that the robber was inside the office when the manager decided to take action and escape out the side door." WordNet(e1) = "robber%1:18:01::", WordNet(e2) = "office%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * was inside the" Comment: Located-Location. 005 "Often the patient is kept in the hospital one night for observation, but in other cases the patient can be discharged home the same day as surgery." WordNet(e1) = "patient%1:18:00::", WordNet(e2) = "hospital%1:14:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * is kept in the" Comment: not sure what relation it is. Either sense of "hospital" fits. 006 "Batteries stored in contact with one another can generate heat and hydrogen gas." WordNet(e1) = "battery%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "contact%1:26:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "batteries stored in" Comment: "in contact with" is a compound preposition, or a phrase which serves as a preposition. 007 "Among the contents of the vessel were a set of carpenter's tools, several large storage jars, ceramic utensils, ropes and remnants of food, as well as a heavy load of ballast stones." WordNet(e1) = "vessel%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "tool%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "contents of the * were a" 008 "You can put wine in the hookah water, and otherwise adulterate the tobacco and so on to change the flavor." WordNet(e1) = "wine%1:07:00::", WordNet(e2) = "water%1:13:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "put wine in the" Comment: this cannot be Part-Whole (wine might be part, but water can only be whole after the putting has occurred -- something not entailed by the sentence). It is also not quite Located-Location: putting is not a fact but a possibility. Such temporal uncertainties are tough to interpret. 009 "And we do recommend excersise, as the kitchen holds culinary temptations in store for you that are bound to prolong your evening and lift your spirit." WordNet(e1) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "temptation%1:09:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the kitchen holds" Comment: Located-Location; it is a different sense of the verb "hold", and note that WN 3.0 offers 36 (!) senses. 010 "The catalogue contained books published in 1998 warning of the upcoming millennium bug and other similarly germane works, but neither of Brock's bestsellers." WordNet(e1) = "catalogue%1:10:01::", WordNet(e2) = "book%1:10:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the * contained books" Comment: a catalog is either "a complete list of things" or "a book or pamphlet containing an enumeration of things". There is metonymy here: a book means some "listable" identification of a book. This is Part-Whole. 011 "Vinegar's usefulness doesn't stop inside the house." WordNet(e1) = "usefulness%1:07:00::", WordNet(e2) = "house%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "inside the house" Comment: definitely no relation fits this example adequately. 012 "You'll rarely see a clock inside a casino, the same goes for windows." WordNet(e1) = "clock%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "casino%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "a clock inside a" Comment: Located-Location. 013 "The original Waldorf salad, created at New York's Waldorf Astoria Hotel in the 1890s, contained only apples, mayonnaise, and celery." WordNet(e1) = "salad%1:13:00::", WordNet(e2) = "apple%1:13:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the * contained apples" Comment: ingredient, so Object-Stuff, a subcategory of Whole-Part. 014 "The library contained books of guidance on the processes." WordNet(e1) = "library%1:14:00::", WordNet(e2) = "book%1:10:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "the * contained books" Comment: marginal; Located-Location is tempting, too. 015 "The story not only put wine in a positive health light, but pointed out that it was superior to other foods in that particular regard." WordNet(e1) = "wine%1:07:00::", WordNet(e2) = "light%1:09:01::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "put wine in a" Comment: a difficult case, and an instance of metonymy; no relation comes easily to mind. 016 "Our water froze and batteries kept in pockets got cold." WordNet(e1) = "battery%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "pocket%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "batteries kept in" 017 "How do I recognize a room that contains radioactive materials?" WordNet(e1) = "room%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "radioactive_material%1:27:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "room that contains" Comment: Location-Located is almost equally good. 018 "Equipment for making repairs en route was carried in a jockey box attached to one end or side of the wagon." WordNet(e1) = "equipment%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "box%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "carried in a" 019 "The video contains a clip from the movie." WordNet(e1) = "video%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "?", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the * contains" Comment: Whole-Part. "Clip" in this sense absent in WordNet. 020 "The contents of the cyst included a foul smelling gas and white-green pus." WordNet(e1) = "cyst%1:26:00::", WordNet(e2) = "gas%1:26:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "contents of the * included" Comment: Stuff-Object, a subcategory of Part-Whole. 021 "The contents of the memorandum included stigmatizing statements about Cannon." WordNet(e1) = "memorandum%1:10:00::", WordNet(e2) = "statement%1:10:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "contents of the * included" Comment: Whole-Part. 022 "The display table contained books and posters for visitors to browse." WordNet(e1) = "table%1:17:00::", WordNet(e2) = "book%1:10:05::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the * contained books" Comment: Located-Location. 023 "The bomb was contained in a suitcase and was planted by two men." WordNet(e1) = "bomb%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "suitcase%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "contained in a suitcase" 024 "We kept the antenna inside the car, which limited range due to the car's attenuation." WordNet(e1) = "antenna%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "car%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * inside the car" Comment: Located-Location; Part-Whole if the antenna is attached. 025 "Any marinade that contains acid, alcohol or salt should not be used for very long, because it will chemically 'cook' or denature the food in it." WordNet(e1) = "marinade%1:13:00::", WordNet(e2) = "acid%1:27:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "that contains acid" Comment: Object-Stuff, a subcategory of Whole-Part. 026 "This experiment is performed with an aqueous solution of a strong acid inside a flask." WordNet(e1) = "acid%1:27:00::", WordNet(e2) = "flask%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "acid inside a" 027 "Arthur and Franz are thieves, or they're trying to be thieves, and somehow learn that Odile lives in a house that contains a large sum of money." WordNet(e1) = "house%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "money%1:21:01::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "a house that contains a" Comment: or Located-Location. 028 "A tokamak is a toroidal (doughnut shape) magnetic bottle that contains the fusion plasma." WordNet(e1) = "magnetic_bottle%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "plasma%1:26:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "bottle that contains" 029 "A letterbox is a plastic, screw-top bottle that contains a small notebook and a unique rubber stamp." WordNet(e1) = "bottle%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "notebook%1:10:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "bottle that contains" 030 "That's because nostalgia serves a useful defensive and reparative function; it took the sting from a painful episode in his life by shading the script." WordNet(e1) = "sting%1:26:02::", WordNet(e2) = "episode%1:11:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "took the * from a" Comment: no relation seems to fit... 031 "It has long been thought that the crypt contained the tomb of St Paul but the altar had hidden it." WordNet(e1) = "crypt%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "tomb%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the * contained the" Comment: both Located-Location and Whole-Part fit. 032 "Flash Drives were designed to be portable - worn on a necklace or key chain - while diskettes should be carried in a case for protection." WordNet(e1) = "diskette%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "case%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "carried in a" 033 "The clutter in my house was destroying me." WordNet(e1) = "clutter%1:26:00::", WordNet(e2) = "house%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * in my house" Comment: possibly Located-Location. 034 "Because of the Depression the original design was cut back significantly, but the building contained a number of unique architectural features." WordNet(e1) = "building%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "feature%1:09:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the building contained" Comment: Property. 035 "While Calvin is able to get the diamond, he's nearly caught by the police while making his getaway, and stashes the jewel in a bag carried by a passerby." WordNet(e1) = "jewel%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "bag%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "the * in a bag" 036 "The kitchen holds a cooker, fridge, microwave oven, in short; everything you need if you want to prepare a light meal." WordNet(e1) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "cooker%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "the kitchen holds" Comment: a cooker is not attached (only plugged in), and a kitchen without a cooker is possible, so the definition holds. 037 "Let us sprinkle flowers around and put wine in the cup." WordNet(e1) = "wine%1:13:00::", WordNet(e2) = "cup%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = n1 "put wine in the" Comment: the temporal element is at issue. The wine is not, and may never be, in the cup. There is no entailment to justify classifying this example as positive. 038 "The bulbs in my house use 190 watts." WordNet(e1) = "bulb%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "house%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * in my house" Comment: Located-Location. 039 "Tim Boyle (1846) checks a flask that contains the dried cathode precursor powder." WordNet(e1) = "flask%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "powder%1:27:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "a flask that contains" 040 "Your stomach is supposed to contain acid." WordNet(e1) = "stomach%1:08:00::", WordNet(e2) = "acid%1:27:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "to contain acid" Comment: the best choice, but oddly the definition fails a little (one cannot get rid of acid). 041 "Tapestries of rocky coastlines share wall space with a clock inside a ship's wheel." WordNet(e1) = "clock%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "wheel%1:06:01::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "a clock inside a" 042 "The turn signal indicator inside the car was blinking erratically for the last month and someone recently explained that it meant the bulb had gone somewhere on the left." WordNet(e1) = "indicator%1:10:01::", WordNet(e2) = "car%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * inside the car" Comment: Part-Whole. 043 "In the case of aerodynamic lift, the aircraft is kept in the air by wings or rotors (see aerodynamics)." WordNet(e1) = "aircraft%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "air%1:15:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * is kept in the" Comment: Located-Location. 044 "Suddenly, a man approached me from nowhere and stuck a bag of candy in my face." WordNet(e1) = "candy%1:13:00::", WordNet(e2) = "face%1:08:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "candy in my" Comment: Located-Location or Thing-Direction. 045 "I am installing lights under the cabinets in my kitchen." WordNet(e1) = "cabinet%1:06:02::", WordNet(e2) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * in my kitchen" Comment: cabinets are normally affixed, so this is Part-Whole. 046 "When he was back he noticed that he had locked the keys inside the car." WordNet(e1) = "key%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "car%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "the * inside the car" Comment: Located-Location is also good. 047 "This represents a house that contains a light bulb and an airconditioner." WordNet(e1) = "house%1:06:01::", WordNet(e2) = "light_bulb%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "a house that contains a" Comment: Located-Location. 048 "Because the air in the jar cannot circulate to the rest of the room, this air stays in the sunlight and gets warmer and warmer." WordNet(e1) = "air%1:27:00::", WordNet(e2) = "jar%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "in the jar" Comment: though it is hard to remove air... 049 "If you mount the photo on a material that contains acid the paper will absorb the acid which in turn will attack the photo itself." WordNet(e1) = "material%1:27:00::", WordNet(e2) = "acid%1:27:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "that contains acid" Comment: Object-Stuff, a subcategory of Whole-Part. 050 "There are four caverns located inside the cave with the tunnel heading west being the largest." WordNet(e1) = "cavern%1:17:00::", WordNet(e2) = "cave%1:17:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "located inside the cave" Comment: Part-Whole. 051 "Harry Stanley, 46, from Hackney, East London, was shot and killed by Metropolitan Police officers who apparently had mistaken a chair-leg being carried in a plastic bag for a firearm." WordNet(e1) = "leg%1:06:01::", WordNet(e2) = "plastic_bag%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "carried in a" 052 "The building contained a significant amount of school furniture and equipment." WordNet(e1) = "building%1:14:00::", WordNet(e2) = "furniture%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "the building contained" 053 "I put candy in my jar." WordNet(e1) = "candy%1:13:00::", WordNet(e2) = "jar%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "candy in my" 054 "A pool with a sand beach is located inside the cave." WordNet(e1) = "beach%1:17:00::", WordNet(e2) = "cave%1:17:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "located inside the cave" Comment: Located-Location; possibly Part-Whole. 055 "You own a house that contains a granny flat." WordNet(e1) = "house%1:06:01::", WordNet(e2) = "flat%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "a house that contains a" Comment: Whole-Part. 056 "The box contained the jumbled skeletal remains of what appeared to be sheep, as well as a variety of other mammals." WordNet(e1) = "box%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "remains%1:08:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "the box contained" Comment: there is a small problem with WN sense (the dead body of a human being -- not an animal). Perhaps it would be better not to assign a sense, though it seems like WN's minor omission. 057 "The discharge valve is kept in the closed position at all times unless the dike is deliberately being drained." WordNet(e1) = "valve%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "position%1:07:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * is kept in the" Comment: this would be some form of Thing-State. 058 "He sued Georgia Tech and the Board of Regents, claiming his professor and the University's administration should have provided him with laboratory safety training and should have warned him of the dangers of mixing acetone, ethanol, and nitric acid inside a metal container." WordNet(e1) = "nitric_acid%1:27:00::", WordNet(e2) = "container%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "acid inside a" 059 "The heater inside the car consumed gasoline." WordNet(e1) = "heater%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "car%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * inside the car" Comment: Part-Whole. 060 "The contents of the boxes included phone cards, disposable cameras and razors, travel-size toiletries, snack food, and lots of candy." WordNet(e1) = "box%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "phone_card%1:21:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "contents of the * included" 061 "The food is kept in the kitchen and guests should help themselves as it is self service and not served by the hostel." WordNet(e1) = "food%1:13:00::", WordNet(e2) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "kept in the kitchen" Comment: or Located-Location. 062 "He used a stable form of liquid nitroglycerin carried in a bottle labeled as contact lens solution, using cotton as a stabilizer." WordNet(e1) = "nitroglycerin%1:27:00::", WordNet(e2) = "bottle%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "carried in a" 063 "The kitchen contained primarily drug paraphernalia." WordNet(e1) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "paraphernalia%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "the kitchen contained" Comment: or Located-Location. 064 "The kitchen contained one other interesting item, a trap door in the ceiling." WordNet(e1) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "trap_door%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the kitchen contained" Comment: Whole-Part. 065 "The main cell types are fibroblasts, macrophages and adipocytes (the hypodermis contains 50% of body fat)." WordNet(e1) = "hypodermis%1:05:00::", WordNet(e2) = "fat%1:08:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the * contains" Comment: Stuff-Object (a subcategory of Part-Whole). 066 "Do not use perchloric or hydrofluoric acid inside a fume hood unless the hood was specifically designed for its use." WordNet(e1) = "hydrofluoric_acid%1:27:00::", WordNet(e2) = "hood%1:06:04::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "acid inside a" Comment: Located-Location. 067 "Contents of the scrapbooks included pictures cut from magazines and newspapers, stories, poems and anecdotes as well as photographs." WordNet(e1) = "scrapbook%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "picture%1:10:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "contents of the * included" Comment: assume an empty scrapbook is okay. 068 "Put the flour in a preheated oven until warm to the touch (approximately 2 minutes)." WordNet(e1) = "flour%1:13:00::", WordNet(e2) = "oven%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "put the * in a" Comment: or Located-Location. 069 "Retailers have done their bit to put wine in the hands of the masses, to make it more accessible to the wider UK public, and there is little more that they can do in this regard." WordNet(e1) = "wine%1:07:00::", WordNet(e2) = "hand%1:08:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "put wine in the" Comment: a metaphor, and hard to find a relation for. 070 "However, the fact that the guinea pigs appeared to function in a normal physiological manner indicates that the diets contained the necessary energy density." WordNet(e1) = "diet%1:13:01::", WordNet(e2) = "density%1:07:01::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the * contained the" 071 "The total contents of the purse included a cell phone and wallet valued at $120." WordNet(e1) = "purse%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "cellphone%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "contents of the * included" 072 "Straight ahead you enter a nice sized living room that contains the front door." WordNet(e1) = "living_room%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "door%1:07:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "room that contains" Comment: Whole-Part. 073 "I put the remaining candy in my mouth and walked back the way I came, then past the village and into town." WordNet(e1) = "candy%1:13:00::", WordNet(e2) = "mouth%1:08:01::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "candy in my" 074 "I am still amazed just how deep and loud it can get with certain soundtracks and songs, literally making things bounce off the walls in my house." WordNet(e1) = "wall%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "house%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * in my house" Comment: Part-Whole. 075 "Interestingly, the sink was inside the room." WordNet(e1) = "sink%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "room%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * was inside the" Comment: Located-Location (the sentence does not entail that the room is a kitchen or a bathroom). 076 "The lower portion of the building contained hundreds of storage rooms." WordNet(e1) = "building%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "storage_room%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the building contained" Comment: Part-Whole. 077 "The boil in a bag omelets work great too." WordNet(e1) = "boil%2:30:00::", WordNet(e2) = "bag%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * in a bag" Comment: "boil" is a verb here. 078 "Keep money in a box and keep your eye on it at all times." WordNet(e1) = "money%1:21:01::", WordNet(e2) = "box%1:06:01::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "keep money in a" 079 "In my tests with a final engineering prototype, Scooba generally did a fine job cleaning the linoleum in my kitchen after my 2-year-old daughter's birthday party." WordNet(e1) = "linoleum%1:27:00::", WordNet(e2) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * in my kitchen" Comment: could be Part-Whole. 080 "While that operation was a success, the contents of the satchel were a tiny loss for the traffickers." WordNet(e1) = "satchel%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "loss%1:21:01::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "contents of the * were a" Comment: no content named explicitly. 081 "Put the flour in a mixing bowl, and mix in the water a little at a time until you've got a dough." WordNet(e1) = "flour%1:13:00::", WordNet(e2) = "bowl%1:06:01::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "put the * in a" 082 "The other shelves contained books with sinister-sounding titles, such as Crime and Punishment, Days of Wrath, Death Walks Among You and a few others." WordNet(e1) = "shelf%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "book%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "the * contained books" Comment: a boundary case. Shelves support books, rather. Still, the definition of Content-Container holds. 083 "The viewer looks through an eyehole in the metal box into the abyss, an infinite regression/progression of mirrors reflecting themselves." WordNet(e1) = "eyehole%1:06:01::", WordNet(e2) = "box%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "in the metal box" Comment: Part-Whole. 084 "Put the peels in a different sack." WordNet(e1) = "peel%1:13:00::", WordNet(e2) = "sack%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "put the * in a" 085 "Woz has outfitted the house with an elaborate swimming pool that extends inside the house by way of an underwater channel." WordNet(e1) = "swimming_pool%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "house%1:06:01::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "inside the house" Comment: Located-Location. 086 "Remember to reverse the position of batteries stored in flashlights to prevent them from accidentally switching on and losing power." WordNet(e1) = "battery%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "flashlight%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "batteries stored in" Comment: a small dilemma. Batteries are stored/carried, but they also are part of a functioning flashlight. Still, the sentence entails that the batteries are inside the flashlight, and this is what matters. 087 "The box holds three stiff cardboard tubes, each wrapped in now decaying cellophane." WordNet(e1) = "box%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "tube%1:25:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "the box holds" 088 "Eight rooms surround a central square room that contains the mortal remains of Bibi Pari." WordNet(e1) = "room%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "remains%1:08:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "room that contains" 089 "Batteries stored in a discharged state are susceptible to freezing, sulfation and an increased rate of discharge." WordNet(e1) = "battery%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "state%1:03:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "batteries stored in" Comment: Property. 090 "The detainee is kept in the cell 23 ½ hours a day." WordNet(e1) = "detainee%1:18:00::", WordNet(e2) = "cell%1:06:01::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * is kept in the" Comment: Located-Location; preferred for people in places. 091 "You haven't experienced true tartness until you've tasted the jelly inside a passionfruit." WordNet(e1) = "jelly%1:27:00::", WordNet(e2) = "fruit%1:11:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "jelly inside a" Comment: Part-Whole? Note the spelling "passion fruit" in WN -- with a space. The WN sense of e1 (any substance having the consistency of jelly or gelatin) is iffy; the other two are not acceptable. 092 "A dining room that contains direct access from the kitchen is the most practical, unless the room will exist for fluff purposes only." WordNet(e1) = "dining_room%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "access%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "room that contains" Comment: Part-Whole. In WN: access -- a way of entering or leaving ==> any artifact consisting of a path affording passage from one place to another. 093 "How can I get rid of the ants in my kitchen without using dangerous pesticides?" WordNet(e1) = "ant%1:05:00::", WordNet(e2) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * in my kitchen" Comment: Located-Location. 094 "Among the additional contents of the box were a controller, an audio/video connector, a plug, and quite a few manuals and booklets." WordNet(e1) = "box%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "controller%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "contents of the * were a" 095 "But for the family that shares the cooking and clean up duties, the kitchen holds a special nuturing role beyond supplying nutrition for the physical body." WordNet(e1) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "role%1:07:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the kitchen holds" Comment: a non-container sense of "hold". 096 "The morning session contains a tutorial that aims to address the basic issues necessary for a better understanding of this complicated topic." WordNet(e1) = "session%1:04:00::", WordNet(e2) = "tutorial%1:10:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the * contains" Comment: Whole-Part. 097 "These are not simply memorable words written on a piece of paper kept in a museum." WordNet(e1) = "paper%1:27:00::", WordNet(e2) = "museum%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "paper kept in a" Comment: or Located-Location. 098 "Rather, the entrails contained mostly apples and corn." WordNet(e1) = "entrails%1:08:00::", WordNet(e2) = "apple%1:13:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "the * contained apples" 099 "About 2000 feet of passageways have been located inside the cave, and about half of that has been mapped." WordNet(e1) = "passageway%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "cave%1:17:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "located inside the cave" Comment: Located-Location. 100 "The fruit basket contained apples, oranges and bananas." WordNet(e1) = "basket%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "apple%1:13:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "the * contained apples" 101 "The contents of the workshop included a discussion on various documents in respect of exports, imports and documents relating to letters of credit." WordNet(e1) = "workshop%1:04:00::", WordNet(e2) = "discussion%1:10:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "contents of the * included" Comment: Whole-Part seems much more apt. 102 "In each house lives a person with a different nationality." WordNet(e1) = "house%1:06:01::", WordNet(e2) = "person%1:03:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "in * house" Comment: maybe Location-Located. 103 "Such airships are essentially motorized free balloons and the engines are carried in a car attached to the lower side or bottom of the bag." WordNet(e1) = "engine%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "car%1:06:03::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "carried in a" 104 "Once the photon was inside the cloud, the control beam was switched off, allowing the photon to come to a halt inside the dense ensemble of atoms." WordNet(e1) = "photon%1:17:00::", WordNet(e2) = "cloud%1:19:01::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * was inside the" Comment: Located-Location. 105 "The contents of the bag included numerous flyers from other conference sponsors and exhibitors and some useful stationery supplies." WordNet(e1) = "bag%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "flyer%1:10:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "contents of the * included" 106 "Because the trench was inside the fenced back yard, he saw no reason to worry about leaving it uncovered." WordNet(e1) = "trench%1:06:01::", WordNet(e2) = "yard%1:23:02::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * was inside the" Comment: Located-Location. WordNet has "backyard", one word. 107 "An office that contains plants suggests you're trying to create an agreeable environment for yourself and others." WordNet(e1) = "office%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "plant%1:03:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "office that contains" 108 "The bowl contained apples, pears, and oranges." WordNet(e1) = "bowl%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "apple%1:13:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "the * contained apples" 109 "Picric acid is kept in an aqueous solution, which makes it suitable and safe to handle." WordNet(e1) = "picric_acid%1:27:00::", WordNet(e2) = "aqueous_solution%1:27:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "acid is kept in" Comment: Located-Location. The sentence and world knowledge entail that hereacid and solution don't mix. 110 "Close all doors inside the house to slow down fire spread from room to room." WordNet(e1) = "door%1:06:01::", WordNet(e2) = "house%1:06:01::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "inside the house" Comment: Part-Whole. 111 "We actually put tea in the food whenever possible." WordNet(e1) = "tea%1:13:00::", WordNet(e2) = "food%1:13:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "put tea in the" Comment: this cannot be Part-Whole (tea might be part, but food can only be whole after the putting has occurred -- something not entailed by the sentence). It is also not quite Located-Location: putting is not a fact but a possibility. Such temporal uncertainties are tough to interpret. 112 "Now, I have a plastic bottle that contains alcohol in which I put my artificial eyelashes at night when I take them off, to clean them and keep them safe." WordNet(e1) = "bottle%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "alcohol%1:27:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "bottle that contains" 113 "After the cashier put the cash in a bag, the robber saw a bottle of scotch that he wanted behind the counter on the shelf." WordNet(e1) = "cash%1:21:00::", WordNet(e2) = "bag%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "the * in a bag" 114 "The conventional way to grow bacteria is to inoculate a flask that contains a broth of nutrients." WordNet(e1) = "flask%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "?", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "a flask that contains" Comment: neither WordNet sense makes sense. Choose your poison. 115 "Suppose you were given a bottle that contains 400 grams of a 3.0% bleach solution." WordNet(e1) = "bottle%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "solution%1:27:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "bottle that contains" 116 "The contents of the questionnaire included the gender and age of the patient, his/her knowledge of the procedure undertaken and the person obtaining consent." WordNet(e1) = "questionnaire%1:10:00::", WordNet(e2) = "gender%1:07:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "contents of the * included" Comment: Whole-Part. 117 "Like many recipes for stuffing, the original recipe contained apples, but as apples are a higher carb fruit, I have substituted cranberries which have the dual effect of making the stuffing lower carb than the regular recipe and also adding a little extra seasonal color and flavor." WordNet(e1) = "recipe%1:10:00::", WordNet(e2) = "apple%1:13:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the * contained apples" Comment: apples (direction to use them) are part of a recipe (direction to make something). So, Whole-Part. 118 "I explained that I was a teacher and that the boxes contained books I was bringing for the students to improve their English." WordNet(e1) = "box%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "book%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "the * contained books" 119 "The information on the recorded talks is kept in the database." WordNet(e1) = "information%1:14:00::", WordNet(e2) = "database%1:10:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "the * is kept in the" Comment: removing some information preserves the nature of the database. 120 "A new composter is now available from East Sussex County Council which can be kept in the kitchen and will take all organic waste." WordNet(e1) = "?", WordNet(e2) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "kept in the kitchen" Comment: Located-Location would be preferred, but this artefact can be removed from the kitchen with impunity. Note: no WordNet sense. 121 "To repair, use duct tape or caulk to seal gaps in the metal box and between joints and seams in the duct." WordNet(e1) = "gap%1:17:00::", WordNet(e2) = "box%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "in the metal box" Comment: Part-Whole, if a gap can be a part (compare with holes in objects). 122 "The kitchen contains basic items such as salt, pepper and olive oil." WordNet(e1) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "salt%1:13:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "kitchen contains * such as" Comment: Location-Located. 123 "In particular, we work on devices that take the signal that is carried in a beam of light going through an optical fiber and transfer that signal to another beam of light going through the same fiber." WordNet(e1) = "signal%1:19:00::", WordNet(e2) = "beam%1:19:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "carried in a" Comment: compare with information/wave. A beam is limited in space (long but narow). 124 "The building contained a large open central space with tables and chairs as well as a nursery and two tearooms." WordNet(e1) = "building%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "space%1:25:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the building contained" Comment: Whole-Part. 125 "The bag contained books, a cell phone and notepads, but no explosives." WordNet(e1) = "bag%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "book%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "the * contained books" 126 "The kitchen contained a large stove, a sink, a small table with chairs, and an old sofa that had seen many children and grandchildren tear at its skin." WordNet(e1) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "stove%1:06:01::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "the kitchen contained" Comment: we assume that the stove can be removed (it is only plugged in). 127 "I find it hard to bend and reach and I cannot use the cupboards in my kitchen." WordNet(e1) = "cupboard%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * in my kitchen" Comment: Located-Location or, better, Part-Whole. 128 "So I was looking at the ceiling in my kitchen yelling at God." WordNet(e1) = "ceiling%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "the * in my kitchen" Comment: Part-Whole. 129 "I'm looking at one right now and he appears to be very content, despite the fact that he's trying to sleep in a kitchen that contains a noisy boiler." WordNet(e1) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "boiler%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "a kitchen that contains a" 130 "There was a persistent rumor that the contents of the cornerstone included a liquor bottle that would have had 49 years to age." WordNet(e1) = "cornerstone%1:06:01::", WordNet(e2) = "bottle%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "contents of the * included" Comment: normally a stone cannot have contents; assume a hollowed-out stone. 131 "Conference center has at least one dedicated main conference room that contains a minimum of 1,000 square feet and can accommodate flexible seating arrangements." WordNet(e1) = "room%1:26:00::", WordNet(e2) = "square_foot%1:23:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "room that contains" Comment: Measure-Measured. 132 "The acid is kept in a level-controlled tank (with a controller and an alarm. in the event of low acid level)." WordNet(e1) = "acid%1:27:00::", WordNet(e2) = "tank%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "acid is kept in" 133 "To test this, we placed a kitchen match in the jar instead of the candle, lit the match, screwed on the lid and dropped the jar." WordNet(e1) = "match%1:06:02::", WordNet(e2) = "jar%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "in the jar" Comment: could be Located-Location, too. 134 "The building contained laboratory facilities for conducting spectrochemical, chemical, and mass spectrometric analyses." WordNet(e1) = "building%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "facility%1:04:01::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the building contained" Comment: Whole-Part. 135 "On the other hand, the information being carried in a high frequency quasi-sinusoidal wave invites comparisons with the auditory system of vertebrates." WordNet(e1) = "information%1:10:00::", WordNet(e2) = "wave%1:11:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "true", Query = "carried in a" Comment: another example of metonymy (waves carry a physical representation of information). A wave is delimited in space, too, even if long (-:). 136 "This is why, not only the contents of the box were a present, but the box itself was as a present." WordNet(e1) = "box%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "present%1:21:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "contents of the * were a" Comment: slightly iffy. 137 "Until 1729 the building contained only the grammar school." WordNet(e1) = "building%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "grammar_school%1:14:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "the building contained" Comment: Located-Location. 138 "Maybe some relationships are best kept in a box." WordNet(e1) = "relationship%1:26:00::", WordNet(e2) = "box%1:06:00::", Content-Container(e1, e2) = "false", Query = "kept in a box" Comment: the sense of e1 might as well be any of the other three. The example is metaphorical: not Content-Container. 139 "Some inactivated influenza vaccine contains thimerosal, a preservative that contains mercury." WordNet(e1) = "preservative%1:27:00::", WordNet(e2) = "mercury%1:27:00::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "false", Query = "a * that contains" Comment: Object-Stuff, a subcategory of Whole-Part. 140 "The kitchen contains various commercial equipment such as stoves, griddles, deep fryer, and an oven." WordNet(e1) = "kitchen%1:06:00::", WordNet(e2) = "stove%1:06:01::", Content-Container(e2, e1) = "true", Query = "kitchen contains * such as" Comment: this is a little unclear (in another example, flooring is part of a kitchen). A stove is not attached (only plugged in), and a kitchen without a stove is possible, so the definition holds.