README for the demo project "demo-anno-role-de" The demo project can be imported into WebAnno 3.x [1, 5], and demonstrate the joint use of semantic predicate (SemPred) and semantic role (SemArg) annotation through an example file. The annotations in the example file follow the GNVN guidelines to the publication [2]: for details, see [3]. The example file entails annotated instances the trial data of the CoNLL2009 Shared Task for German [4]. (The first annotation is in the 46. sentence.) [1] [2] Éva Mújdricza-Maydt, Hartmann, S., Gurevych, I., and Frank, A. (2016): Combining Semantic Annotation of Word Sense & Semantic Roles: A Novel Annotation Scheme for VerbNet Roles on German Language Data. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Portorož, Slovenia, pp. 3031--3038. ( [3]; Please note, that the demo file does not present the annotations lemmawise (as for the conducted annotation study), but in the original sequence of the trial text. The first annotation is found in the 46. sentence. [4]; Contact: Eva Mujdricza-Maydt --------- [5] A step-by-step introduction for WebAnno beginners how to open the demo project with a standalone, local WebAnno instance: 1) Download a released standalone version of WebAnno 3 here: -- it should be a file with extension ".jar", e.g. "webanno-standalone-3.2.1.jar". 2) Make a double click on the downloaded file, and wait a minute. (For more advanced users: See the User Guide/Optional configuration.) 3) Open a (new tab in a) browser (preferably Chrome or Safari), and type the following address into the address bar: http://localhost:8080. Press the Enter key. 4) The tool will be loaded, you see a login screen. Log in with admin/admin. 5) Click on "Projects", and import the demo project with the navigator in "ImportProject" box in the bottom left corner of the interface. 6) Click on "Home" on the left side of the top bar (yellow letters on a gray background), and click on the button "Annotation". 7) Open the only file "CoNLL2009-ST-German-trial_GNVN.xmi" clicking on the name of the file fist, then on "Open". 8) The first GNVN annotation is in the 46. sentence. :) You can manage the shown annotation layers selecting or deselecting them in the "Setting" part of the "Document" box in the gray navigation bar. Please read the User Guide for further information: