Zeller, B. D. (2015) Induction, Semantic Validation and Evaluation of a Derivational Morphology Lexicon for German. Ph.D. thesis, University of Heidelberg, Germany. [ bib | paper ]
Padó, S., Zeller, B., and Šnajder, J. (2015) Morphological priming in german: The word is not enough (or is it?). Abstract. Accepted at NetWords Conference, Pisa, Italy. [ bib | paper ]
Zeller, B., Padó, S., and Šnajder, J. (2014) Towards semantic validation of a derivational lexicon. Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers, Dublin, Ireland, August, pp. 1728--1739, Dublin City University and Association for Computational Linguistics. [ bib | errata | paper | slides ]
Padó, S., Šnajder, J., and Zeller, B. (2013) Derivational smoothing for syntactic distributional semantics. Proceedings of ACL 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 731--735. [ bib | paper | slides ]
Zeller, B., Šnajder, J., and Padó, S. (2013) DErivBase: Inducing and Evaluating a Derivational Morphology Resource for German. Proceedings of ACL 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 1201--1211. [ bib | paper | slides ]
Zeller, B. and Padó, S. (2013) A Search Task Dataset for German Textual Entailment . Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS), Potsdam, pp. 288--299. [ bib | paper | slides ]
Zeller, B. and Padó, S. (2012) Corpus-based acquisition of support verb constructions for portuguese. Caseli, H., Villavicencio, A., Teixeira, A., and Perdigão, F. (eds.), Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language, vol. 7243 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 73--84, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, preprint version. [ bib | paper | slides ]
Zeller, B. D. (2011) Corpus-based Acquisition and Analysis of Support Verb Constructions. Master's thesis, University of Heidelberg, Germany. [ bib | paper ]
Reiter, N., Hellwig, O., Frank, A., Gossmann, I., Larios, B. M., Rodrigues, J., and Zeller, B. (2011) Adapting NLP Tools and Frame-Semantic Resources for the Semantic Analysis of Ritual Descriptions. Sporleder, C., van den Bosch, A., and Zervanou, K. A. (eds.), Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Foundations of Human Language Processing and Technology, Springer. [ bib ]
Reiter, N., Hellwig, O., Mishra, A., Gossmann, I., Larios, B. M., Rodrigues, J., Zeller, B., and Frank, A. (2010) Adapting Standard NLP Tools and Resources to the Processing of Ritual Descriptions. Proceedings of ECAI 2010 workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities. [ bib | paper ]

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