Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Institut für Computerlinguistik

Bilder vom Neuenheimer Feld, Heidelberg und der Universität Heidelberg
Siegel der Uni Heidelberg

M.A. Computational Linguistics

Symbol MA

The Masters in Computational Linguistics deepens knowledge that you acquired in a Bachelors course. You can choose to focus on applications or research or combine it with a secondary subject ("Beifach"). Our program is meant to be studied consecutively, that is to say you are required to have successfully completed a Bachelor in Computational Linguistics or a similar degree at a German or international university.

You will have to apply for the program. More detailed information can be found in the Zulassungsordung (Admission regulations) (in German; non-binding English translation) or here or by contacting studienberatung-master(at)


M.A. 2 years, 120 credit points (Leistungspunkte, LP)
CL with AM or FMCL as MSCL as SS
120 LP (100%)100 LP MS20 LP SS
(incl. 20 LP AM/FM)20 LP SS100 LP MS
M.A.-Thesis CLM.A.-Thesis CLM.A.-Thesis MS
AM: integrated application module; FM: integrated research module;
MS: main subject; SS: secondary subject; LP: credit points

The MA program can be studied as follows:

  • As a 100% program with an integrated Computer Science Specialization Module (Anwendungsmodul, AM)
  • As a 100% program with an integrated Research Module (Forschungsmodul, FM)
  • As a main subject with a secondary subject. The secondary subjects can be chosen from the list under Secondary subjects
  • You can also choose Computational Linguistics as a secondary subject when studying a different program as a main subject.

Computer Science Specializations

The Computer Science Specialization Module (AM) can be studied with the following focuses:

  • Machine Learning
    • Fundamentals of Machine Learning (IFML), 8LP
    • Advanced Machine Learning (IAML), 8LP
    • Master Advanced Seminar on Machine Learning (IMS), 4LP
  • Computer Vision
    • Computer Graphics (ICG), 8LP
    • Scientific Visualization (ISV), 8LP
    • Master Advanced Seminar on Computer Vision (IMS), 4LP
  • Algorithms
    • Algorithm Engineering (IAE), 8LP
    • Complex Network Analysis (ICNA), 8LP
    • Master Advanced Seminar on Algorithm Engineering (IMS), 4LP
  • Computer Engineering
    • Parallel Computer Architecture (MScTI_PCA), 6LP
    • Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (MScTI_RES), 4LP
    • Accelerator Practice (MScTI_ACC), 6LP
    • Master Advanced Seminar (IMS), 4LP
Other combinations of lectures between different areas are possible. Please refer to our examination regulations and to the module handbook of the computer science department. If you have further questions, please contact our study advisors.
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