Becker, M., Palmer, A., and Frank, A. (2016):
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Becker, M., Palmer, A., and Frank, A. (2016):
Clause Types and Modality in
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Friedrich, A., Palmer, A., and Pinkal, M. (2016):
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Horbach, A. and Palmer, A. (2016):
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Kisselew, M., Rimell, L., Palmer, A., and Padó, S. (2016):
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Friedrich, A., Palmer, A., Sorensen, M.~P., and Pinkal, M. (2015):
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Horbach, A., Poitz, J., and Palmer, A. (2015):
Using Shallow Syntactic Features
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Kisselew, M., Padó, S., Palmer, A., and Šnajder, J. (2015):
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Mavridou, K.-I., Friedrich, A., Sorensen, M.~P., Palmer, A., and Pinkal, M.
Linking discourse modes and situation entities in a cross-linguistic
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Padó, S., Palmer, A., Kisselew, M., and Šnajder, J. (2015):
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Zhou, M., Frank, A., Friedrich, A., and Palmer, A. (2015):
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Emerson, G., Tan, L., Fertmann, S., Palmer, A., and Regneri, M. (2014):
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Friedrich, A., Valeeva, M., and Palmer, A. (2014):
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Friedrich, A. and Palmer, A. (2014):
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Friedrich, A. and Palmer, A. (2014):
Centering Theory in natural text: a
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Horbach, A., Palmer, A., and Wolska, M. (2014):
Finding a Tradeoff between
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Koleva, N., Horbach, A., Palmer, A., Ostermann, S., and Pinkal, M. (2014):
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Ostermann, S., Koleva, N., Palmer, A., and Horbach, A. (2014):
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Palmer, A. and Friedrich, A. (2014):
Genre distinctions and discourse modes:
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Palmer, A. and Regneri, M. (2014):
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Vakil, A., Paulus, M., Palmer, A., and Regneri, M. (2014):
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Rehbein, I., Ruppenhofer, J., and Palmer, A. (2010):
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