Becker, M., Korfhage, K., and Frank, A. (2021a):
COCO-EX: A Tool for Linking Concepts from Texts to ConceptNet. Proceedings of the Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Demo Papers. Online.
[ pdf ]
Becker, M., Korfhage, K., Paul, D., and Frank, A. (2021):
CO-NNECT: A Framework for Revealing Commonsense Knowledge Paths as Explicitations of Implicit Knowledge in Texts. IWCS – International Conference on Computational Semantics. Online.
[ pdf ]
Becker, M., Liang, S., and Frank, A. (2021):
Reconstructing Implicit Knowledge with Language Models. Deep Learning Inside Out (DeeLIO): Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Integration for Deep Learning Architectures. Online.
[ pdf ] [Best Paper Award]
Becker, M., Hulpus, I., Opitz, J., Paul, D., Kobbe, J., Stuckenschmidt, H., and Frank, A. (2020).
Explaining Arguments with Background Knowledge – Towards Knowledge-based Argumentation Analysis. Datenbank-Spektrum, 21.
[ pdf ]
Debjit, P., Optiz, J., Becker, M., Kobbe, J., Hirst, G., and Frank, A. (2020):
Argumentative Relation Classification with Background Knowledge. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2020).
[ pdf ]
Becker, M., Korfhage, K., and Frank, A. (2020):
Implicit Knowledge in Argumentative Texts: An Annotated Corpus. Proceedings of LREC. Marseille, France.
[ pdf ]
Becker, M., Bender, M., and Müller, M. (2020).
Classifying Heuristic Textual Practices in Academic Discourse: A Deep Learning Approach to Pragmatics. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (4)2020.
Hulpus, I., Kobbe, J., Meilicke, C., Stuckenschmidt, H., Hirst, G., Becker, M., Opitz, J., Nastase, V., and Frank, A. (2019):
Towards Explaining Natural Language Arguments with Background Knowledge. Workshop on Semantic Explainability (SemEx) 2019, co-located with the 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019). Christchurch, New Zealand.
[ pdf ]
Becker, M., Staniek, M., Nastase, V., Frank, A. (2019):
Assessing the Difficulty of Classifying ConceptNet Relations in a Multi-Label Classification Setting. RELATIONS - Workshop on meaning relations between phrases and sentences (co-located with IWCS). Gothenburg, Sweden.
[ pdf ]
Kobbe, J., Opitz, J., Becker, M., Hulpus, I., Stuckenschmidt, H., and Frank, A. (2019):
Exploiting Background Knowledge for Argumentative Relation Classification. Second Biennial Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019). Leipzig, Germany.
[ pdf ]
Becker, M., Staniek, M., Nastase, V., Palmer, A., Frank, A. (2019):
Classifying Semantic Clause Types with Recurrent Neural Networks: Analysis of Attention, Context and Genre Characteristics.
TAL Journal (Traitement Automatique des Langues / Natural Language Processing): Special issue Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing.
[ pdf ]
Stegmeier, J., Schünemann, W., Müller, M., Becker, M., Steiger, S., Stier, S. (2018):
Multi-method discourse analysis of twitter communication. A comparison of two global political issues.
In: Scholz, R. (ed.): Quantifying methods in discourse studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Becker, M., Staniek, M., Nastase, V., Palmer, A., Frank, A. (2018):
The Impact of Attention Mechanism, Context and Genre Information when Classifying Semantic Clause Types with Recurrent Neural Networks.
40th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS). Stuttgart, Germany.
[ poster ]
Becker, M., Staniek, M., Nastase, V., Palmer, A., Frank, A. (2018):
Automatisches Klassifizieren Semantischer Clauses: Modellierung von Kontext und Genremerkmalen mit Rekurrenten Neuronalen Netzwerken und dem Attention-Mechanismus. [Automated Classification of Semantic Clauses: Modeling Context and Genre Characteristics with Recurrent Neural Networks and Attention Mechanism.]
54. Jahrestagung des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache. Mannheim, Germany.
[ poster ]
Becker, M. (2018):
Frieden, Freiheit, Sicherheit. Kontextsensitive Bedeutungsanalysen dreier Konzepte in den Bundestagsdebatten von März bis Juli 1983. Analysen mit Python. [Peace, freedom, security. Context-sensitive analysis of three concepts in the Bundestag debates from March to July 1983. Analyzes with Python.]
Discourse Lab Workshop „Korpustools im Vergleich“. Heidelberg. Published on Discourse Lab Blog: https://dislab.hypotheses.org [Best Presentation Award]
[ pdf ]
Becker, M., Staniek, M., Nastase, V., Palmer, A., Frank, A. (2017):
Classifying Semantic Clause Types: Modeling Context and Genre Characteristics with Recurrent Neural Networks and Attention.
*SEM (Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics). Vancouver, Canada.
[ pdf ]
Becker, M., Staniek, M., Nastase, V., and Frank, A. (2017):
Argumentative Texts with Implicit Knowledge. Frasinca, F., Ittoo, A.,
Nguyen, L., and Metais, E. (eds.), Applications of Natural Language to
Data Bases (NLDB) - Natural Language Processing and Information Systems,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.
[ bib ]
[ pdf ]
The final publication is available at Springer.
Becker, M., Palmer, A., and Frank, A. (2017):
Semantic Clause Types and
Modality as Features for Argument Analysis. Argument &
Computation, Special Issue on Language and Argumentation.
[ bib ]
[ pdf ]
Becker, M. and Meyer, J. (2017):
Quantitative Approaches to Language: A Study on Controversial Concepts in Climate Change Discourse.
Summer School of Digital Humanities: Distant Reading - Potentials and Applications. Heidelberg
[ poster ]
Becker, M., Spranz-Fogasy, Th. (2017):
Ärztliche Beratung und Empfehlungen [Medical advice and recommendations]. In: Pick, I. (ed.): Beraten ist Sprechen. Eine linguistische Typologie zu Beratungsgesprächen in verschiedenen Handlungsfeldern. Frankfurt u.a.: Peter Lang.
Becker, M., Müller, M.(2017):
Wörter und Dinge. Interdisziplinarität als Modus und Gegenstand der Reflexiven Diskursanalyse [Words and things. Interdisciplinarity as the mode and object of reflexive discourse analysis]. In:
Kämper, H., Reisigl, M., Warnke, I., Hess-Lüttich, E. (eds.): Diskurs - semiotisch. Berlin: Akademie.
Müller, M., Becker, M.: (2017):
Von Hunden, Hürden und Brücken. Tropen der deutsch-chinesischen Begegnung im kulinarischen Diskurs [Of dogs, hurdles and bridges. Tropes of the German-Chinese encounter in the culinary discourse]. In:
Friedemann Vogel / Jia Wenjian (Eds.): Chinesisch‐Deutscher Imagereport (CDI). Das Bild Chinas im deutschsprachigen Raum aus kultur‐, medien‐ und sprachwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 119-136.
Becker, M. (2016):
Argumentative Reasoning, Clause Types and Implicit
Knowledge. In: Gaggl, S. and Thimm, M. (eds.): Proceedings of the Second
Summer School on Argumentation: Computational and Linguistic Perspectives,
pp. 1-2, [Best poster award].
[ bib |
pdf ]
Becker, M., Palmer, A., and Frank, A. (2016):
Clause Types and Modality in
Argumentative Microtexts. Workshop on Foundations of the Language of
Argumentation (in conjunction with COMMA 2016), Potsdam, Germany, pp.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Becker, M., Palmer, A., and Frank, A. (2016):
Argumentative texts and clause
types. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Argument Mining
(ArgMining2016), Berlin, Germany, pp. 21-30.
[ bib |
pdf ]
Spranz-Fogasy, Th., Becker, M. (2016):
Beschwerdenexploration und Diagnosemitteilung im ärztlichen Erstgespräch [Symptoms and diagnosis in the initial medical consultation]. In:
Busch, A., Spranz-Fogasy, Th. (eds.), Handbuch Sprache und Medizin, Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, pp. 93-115.
Müller, M., Becker, M. (2016):
Wissenskonflikte im Gespräch [Conflicts of Knowledge in Conversation]. In:
Luth, J., Vogel, F., Ptashnyk, S. (eds): Linguistische Zugänge zu Konflikten in europäischen Sprachräumen. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, pp. 93-112.
Becker, M. (2016):
Die Flüchtlingsdebatte in den Medien Deutschlands: Eine korpus- und diskurs-linguistische Untersuchung der Konzeptualisierung von Angst [The refugee debate in the German media: A corpus- and discurslinguistic study of the conceptualization of anxiety].
Sprachreport 2/2016, pp. 1-11.
[ pdf ]
Knuchel, D., Becker, M. (2016):
Conceptualisations of HIV/AIDS in two German message boards. A corpus linguistic approach.
Symposium Language and Health Online. Typing yourself healthy. Basel (CH).
Becker, M. (monograph) (2015):
Der Asyldiskurs in Deutschland. Eine medienlinguistische Untersuchung von Pressetexten, Onlineforen und Polit-Talkshows [Debating about refugees in Germany. A media-linguistic analysis of newspapers, online forums and political talkshows].
Frankfurt et al.: Peter Lang.
Becker, M. (monograph) (2015):
Ärztliche Empfehlungen in Therapieplanungsgesprächen. Eine gesprächsanalytische Untersuchung [Medical recommendations in therapy planning discussions. A conversation analysis].
Gesprächsforschung Online, Reihe Empirische Kommunikationsforschung im Gesundheitswesen, Band 5.
[ pdf ]
Burel, S., Becker, M., Kleitsch, L. (2015):
Kommunikative Strategien von Unternehmen zwischen Inszenierung und Adressierung [Communicative strategies of companies between staging and addressing]. In:
Grucza. S., Kolago, L. (eds), Kommunikationsmanagement in multikulturellen Projektteams. Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang, pp. 229-245.