- Abastract Graphs and Abstract Paths for Knowledge Graph Completion | *SEM 2019
Vivi Nastase and Bhushan Kotnis
- Automatic Reconstruction of Emperor Itineraries from the Regesta Imperii | DATeCH 2019
Juri Opitz, Leo Born, Vivi Nastase and Yannick Pultar
- Assessing the Difficulty of Classifying ConceptNet Relations in a Multi-Label Classification Setting | RELATIONS workshop at IWCS 2019
Maria Becker, Michael Staniek, Vivi Nastase and Anette Frank
- Metaphors in Text Simplification: To change or not to change, that is the question | BEA workshop at ACL 2019
Yulia Clausen and Vivi Nastase
- Anglicized Words and Misspelled Cognates in Native Language Identification | BEA workshop at ACL 2019
Ilia Markov, Vivi Nastase and Carlo Strapparava
- Towards Extracting Medical Family History from Natural Language Interactions: A New Dataset and Baselines | EMNLP-IJCAI 2019
Mahmoud Azab, Stephane Dadian, Vivi Nastase, Larry An and Rada Mihalcea
- Towards Explaining Natural Language Arguments with Background Knowledge | Workshop on Semantic Explainability (SemEx) 2019
Ioana Hulpus, Jonathan Kobbe, Christian Meilicke, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Maria Becker, Juri Opitz, Vivi Nastase and Anette Frank
- knoWitiary: A Machine Readable Incarnaton of Wiktionary | CICLing 2015
Vivi Nastase, Carlo Strapparava
- Multi-Level Alignments As An Extensible Representation Basis for Textual Entailment Algorithms | *SEM 2015
Tae-Gil Noh, Sebastian Padó, Vered Shwartz, Ido Dagan, Vivi Nastase, Kathrin Eichler, Lili Kotlerman, Meni Adler
- A survey of graphs in NLP (preprint) | JNLE, 21 (5) 2015
Vivi Nastase, Rada Mihalcea, Dragomir Radev
- WikiNetTK - A Tool Kit for EmbeddingWorld Knowledge in NLP Applications | IJCNLP 2011
Alex Judea, Vivi Nastase, Michael Strube
- CoSyne: A framework for multilingual content synchronization of Wikis | WikiSym 2011
Christoph Monz, Vivi Nastase, Matteo Negri, Angela Fahrni, Yashar Mehdad, Michael Strube
- HITS' Graph-based System at the NTCIR-9 Cross-lingual Link Discovery Task| NTCIR-9
Angela Fahrni, Vivi Nastase, Michael Strube
- HITS' Cross-Lingual Entity Linking System: One Model for All Languages | TAC 2011
Angela Fahrni, Michael Strube, Vivi Nastase
- Combining collocations, lexical and encyclopedic knowledge for metonymy resolution | EMNLP 2009, pp. 910-918
Vivi Nastase, Michael Strube
- What's in a name? In some languages, grammatical gender | EMNLP 2009, pp. 1368-1377
Vivi Nastase, Marius Popescu
- Classification of Semantic Relations Between Nominals | LRE 2009, vol. 43 (2)
Roxana Girju, Preslav Nakov, Vivi Nastase, Stan Szpakowicz, Peter Turney, Deniz Yuret
- The same semantic relations link structurally different realizations of concepts | LiLT, vol 2 (3)
Vivi Nastase, Stan Szpakowicz
- Summarizing with encyclopedic knowledge | TAC 2009
Vivi Nastase, David Milne, Katja Filippova
- Generating Update Summaries with Spreading Activation | TAC 2008
Vivi Nastase, Katja Filippova, Simone Paolo Ponzetto
- Topic-driven multi-document summarization with encyclopedic knowledge and spreading activation | EMNLP 2008
Vivi Nastase
- Decoding Wikipedia Categories for Knowledge Acquisition | AAAI 2008, pp.1219-1224
Vivi Nastase, Michael Strube
- Distinguishing Between Instances and Classes in the Wikipedia Taxonomy | ESWC 2008, pp.376-387
Cäcilia Zirn, Vivi Nastase, Michael Strube
- Acquiring a Taxonomy from the German Wikipedia | LREC 2008
Laura Kassner, Vivi Nastase, Michael Strube
- The Telling Tail: Signals of success in electronic negotiation texts | IJCNLP 2008, pp. 257-264
Marina Sokolova, Vivi Nastase, Stan Szpakowicz
- Unsupervised All-words Word Sense Disambiguation with Grammatical Dependencies | IJCNLP 2008, pp. 757-762
Vivi Nastase
- Cascaded Filtering for Topic-Driven Multi-Document Summarization | 2007 Document Understanding Conference (DUC 07). Rochester, N.Y., April 22-27, 2007.
Katja Filippova, Margot Mieskes, Vivi Nastase, Simone Paolo Ponzetto and Michael Strube
- SemEval-2007 Task 04: Classification of Semantic Relations between Nominals | 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations
Roxana Girju, Preslav Nakov, Vivi Nastase, Stan Szpakowicz, Peter Turney, Deniz Yuret
- Do Happy Words Sound Happy? A study of the relation between form and meaning for English words expressing emotions | RANLP 2007
Vivi Nastase, Marina Sokolova, Jelber Sayyad Shirabad
- A Study of Sentiment and Gender Influence on Negotiation Outcome in Electronic Negotiations| GDN 2007, Vol. II, 491-500
Vivi Nastase and Jelber Sayyad Shirabad
- Content analysis through the Machine Learning mill | GDN journal 16 (4) 2007
Vivi Nastase, Sabine Koeszegi and Stan Szpakowicz
- Learning noun-modifier semantic relations with corpus-based and WordNet-based features |AAAI 2006
Vivi Nastase, Jelber Sayyad-Shiarabad, Marina Sokolova, Stan Szpakowicz
- Using dependency relations for classification | Canadian AI 2006 (poster)
Vivi Nastase, Jelber Sayyad-Shirabad, Fernanda Caropreso
- Matching semantic-syntactic graphs for semantic relation assignment | TextGraphs 2006
Vivi Nastase and Stan Szpakowicz
- A study of two graphs algorithms in topic-driven summarization | TextGraphs 2006
Vivi Nastase and Stan Szpakowicz
- Special Issue on Sentiment Analysis, Word from the editors |Computational Intelligence 22 (2) 2006
Vivi Nastase and Stan Szpakowicz
- Special Issue on Formal and Informal Information Exchange in Negotiations, Word from the editors | GDN journal, 15 (2), 2006.
Vivi Nastase and Stan Szpakowicz
- Concession curve analysis for Inspire negotiations | GDN journal, 15 (2), 2006
Vivi Nastase
- Machine Learning Experiments for Textual Entailment| The Second RTE Challenge workshop
Diana Inkpen, Darren Kipp, Vivi Nastase
- Leveraging DUC | 2006 Document Understanding Conference (DUC 2006)
Terry Copeck, Diana Inkpen, Anna Kazantseva, Alistair Kennedy, Darren Kipp, Vivi Nastase, Stan Szpakowicz
- An Evaluation Exercise for Romanian Word Sense Disambiguation | ACL/SIGLEX Senseval-3, Barcelona, Spain, 2004
Rada Mihalcea, Vivi Nastase, Timothy Chklovski, Doina Tatar, Dan Tufis, Florentina Hristea,
- Finding Semantic Associations on Express Lane | LREC 2004, Lisbon, Portugal
Vivi Nastase and Rada Mihalcea
- RDSnet: A Web_based Collaborative Framework for Building Multilingual Semantic Networks | Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Informatica, Volume XLIX, Nr. 1, 2004
Nathaniel Ayewah, Rada Mihalcea, Vivi Nastase, Doina Tatar
- Language in Electronic Negotiations: Patterns in completed and uncompleted negotiations | ICON 2004
Marina Sokolova, Vivi Nastase and Stan Szpakowicz
- Using Language to Determine Success in Negotiations: A preliminary study | Canadian AI, London, ON, Canada, 2004
Marina Sokolova, Stan Szpakowicz and Vivi Nastase
- Language Patterns in Text Messages of Electronic Negotiations: A Preliminary Study | INTERNEG working papers, INR 05/04
Marina Sokolova, Stan Szpakowicz and Vivi Nastase
- Automatically Building a Lexicon from Raw Noisy Data in a Closed Domain | INTERNEG working papers, INR 01/04
Marina Sokolova, Stan Szpakowicz and Vivi Nastase
- Preparing Data for Learning Noun-Modifier Semantic Relations in Base Noun-Phrases with C5.0 | University of Ottawa, Technical Report TR-2001-05
Vivi Nastase
- Unifying Semantic Relations Across Syntactic Levels | RANLP, Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, September 2001
Vivi Nastase and Stan Szpakowicz
- Unifying Semantic Relations Across Syntactic Levels | University of Ottawa, Technical Report TR-2001-02
Vivi Nastase
- Word-Sense Disambiguation in Roget's Thesaurus Using WordNet | Workshop on WordNet and other lexical resources, NAACL, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, June 2001
Vivi Nastase and Stan Szpakowicz