Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Bilder vom Neuenheimer Feld, Heidelberg und der Universität Heidelberg
Siegel der Uni Heidelberg

Department of Computational Linguistics at the LREC

All our submissions to the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 2010 (LREC) have been accepted. We have four papers on a wide range of exciting topics:

  • Matthias will present results of his experiments on adjective classification.
  • Nils will give an outlook of an ongoing research project on developing a ritual ontology, as well as his first results on automatic term extraction in the domain of ritual research.
  • Asif will present his work on a genetic algorithm based ensemble technique for NER.
  • Samuel, one of our Masters students, is currently working with Simone on extending BART for languages other than English: they will present a demonstration of an open-source coreference resolution toolkit for German.

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