1;3409;0c Institut für Computerlinguistik
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Bilder vom Neuenheimer Feld, Heidelberg und der Universität Heidelberg
Siegel der Uni Heidelberg

The ON5V (OntoNotes 5 Verb Predicates) Non-local Role Linking Data Set

The Moor et. al 2013 Non-local Role Linking Dataset as described in the paper “Predicate-specific Annotations for Implicit Role Binding: Corpus Annotation, Data Analysis and Evaluation Experiments” contains annotations for 630 instances of null instantiations over five verbal predicates in the OntoNotes corpus version 4.0. The chosen verbal predicates are: bring, give, leave, pay, and put. The full statistics over the data set is found in the Moor et al. 2013 paper.

Implicit semantic roles are predicate arguments that are expected to occur, but are not explicitly expressed in the local context of the target predicate. These null instantiations of semantic roles are annotated as either linked to an antecedent and thus as being resolvable ([+res]) in discourse or their antecedent is not available and the role is therefore marked as non-resolvable([-res]).

Example 1 (resolvable implicit role):

It was [a dark house, high up on the hill].

[The group] arrived [yesterday].

In this arriving event, the “Destination” role is missing from the local context of the predicate. The “Destination” is, however, available in the preceding context and is annotated as recoverable with the token indices for the antecedent.

Example 2 (non-resolvable implicit role):

[She] was [in the garden] reading.

In this reading event, the “Thing Read” role is missing from the local context but not available in the surrounding discourse. This role is annotated as non-recoverable. All annotations in the ON5 data set have been constructed for FrameNet frames and were mapped to the PropBank and VerbNet SRL annotation schemes using SemLink mappings. All annotations for the three frameworks are made available in the CONLL 2012 format, with a special extension to represent the [+/- res] distinction as well as linking to non-local antecedents in prior sentences.


If you use this data, please cite the following publication:

Tatjana Moor, Michael Roth, Anette Frank. (2016):
"Predicate-specific Annotations for Implicit Role Binding: Corpus Annotation, Data Analysis and Evaluation Experiments." In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Semantics, Potsdam, Germany, pp. 369-375

  author = {Tatjana Moor and Michael Roth and Anette Frank},
  title = {{Predicate-specific annotations for implicit role binding:
corpus annotation, data analysis and evaluation experiments}}, year = {2013}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Semantics}, pages = {369--375}, address = {Potsdam, Germany}, url = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W/W13/W13-0211.pdf} }


This resource can be found in the download section. Since the OntoNotes data is not free, the annotations are only provided by reference to character offsets.

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