Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Institut für Computerlinguistik

Bilder vom Neuenheimer Feld, Heidelberg und der Universität Heidelberg

Knowledge discovery


Studiengang Modulkürzel Leistungs-
BA-2010 AS-CL 8 LP
Master SS-CL, SS-TAC 8 LP
Dozenten/-innen Vivi Nastase
Veranstaltungsart Hauptseminar
Erster Termin 24.10.2016
Zeit und Ort Mo, 11:1512:45, INF 325 / SR 24 (SR)
Commitment-Frist tbd.


Paper presentation + course project


The high amount of scientific literature, and data in general, is staggering, and it is unavoidable that in our work we can miss either relevant previous research, or we lack enough knowledge of associated domains from which to draw inspiration and useful methods.

In this course we will look at knowledge discovery from various points of view, depending on what we consider "missed knowledge" to be -- simple "one-step" relations, connections between scientific fields, discovering connections between processes in a sequential manner, and possibly much more.



Datum Sitzung Materialien
24.10.2016 missed ...
31.10.2016 lecture Introduction and Literature Based Discovery
7.11.2016 lecture Knowledge Graphs and Link Prediction
14.10.2016 lecture Knowledge Discovery in Wikipedia and Databases

List of proposed papers

21.11.2016 paper presentations
28.11.2016 paper presentations
5.12.2016 paper presentations
12.12.2016 paper presentations
19.12.2016 paper presentations
9.01.2017 paper presentations
16.01.2017 paper presentations
23.01.2017 lecture Introduction to topic models: part I -- the big picture and refresher on probabilities     [slides]
30.01.2017 lecture Introduction to topic models: part II -- the mathematical story     [slides]
6.02.2017 project ideas presentations 10 minute presentations for the homework projects.
14.04.2017 projects due! Together with the code I expect a project report, organized similarly to a paper:
  • have an introduction that explains your idea
  • related work to show on which previous work you base your idea and your implementation
  • describe the data you are using, the experimental set-up, the experiments and results

  • and very importantly

  • DISCUSSION (!!!)
  • And some conclusions about what you learned during the project and what the experiments tell about your initial idea.
There is no minimum or maximum limit on the length of this document, but give enough details to convince me you did a good job while sparing me irrelevant details.


Not defined yet

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