Research Network on "Integrating Vision and Language"
Members of the ICL participate in the COST Network "Integrating Vision and Language".
Dr. Yannick Versley and Prof. Anette Frank from the Department of Computational Linguistics at Heidelberg University participate in the EU-funded COST action ``Integrating Vision and Language'' as members of the management committee. The central goal of the iV&L Network, led by Dr. Anja Belz (Brighton, UK) is to build a bridge between the natural language processing and computer vision, focusing on the four focus themes of (i) Integrated Modeling of Vision and Language, (ii) Applications of Integrated Models, (iii) Automatic generation of Image and Video descriptions; and (iv) Semantic search for Image and Video. Members of 22 EU countries as well as Turkey and Israel participate in this COST action.
The Third Workshop on Vision and Language'' at Coling 2014, organized by Anja Belz, Marie-Francine Moens, and Alan Smeaton, showcased the manifold interests of the network's members: starting from image retrieval in patent collections and image processing for social media, over event detection in videos, to investigations into adjective and preposition semantics using annotated image data.
The next meeting of the network will be held in Tallinn (Estonia) in September.