Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Institut für Computerlinguistik

FAQ Master: Plagiarism

Last change: November 2019

  1. How plagiarism is handled at our institute and how to avoid it?

  1. How plagiarism is handled at our institute and how to avoid it?

    Definition of plagiarism: (intentionally or unintentionally) taking someone else's work and passing it off as one's own without proper attribution (i.e. without mentioning the original author and sources).

    To plagiarize seminar papers or final theses is not only scientific misconduct, but also an offense according to the copyright act. Since 1st March 2009, the "Zweite Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Föderalismusreform im Hochschulbereich" (ZHFRUG) is in force. The change of this law states that scientific misconduct (as plagiarism) may lead to exmatriculation (§3, section 5, LHG and §62, section 3, ZHFRUG).
    Therefore, we especially point out once more, that you have to draw up seminar papers and final theses on your own. In particular, that means that you always have to mark the use of someone else's works and cite the corresponding sources.

    The ICL regularly offers courses on scientific writing. Moreover, various guides to this subject are available, such as (last access July 4 2019):

    Please contact our representative for final thesis if you have questions how to write BA or Masters thesis.

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