New DFG Project ACCEPT: Perspectivized Argument Knowledge Graphs for Deliberation Support
The new project has been accepted for the 2nd phase of the DFG priority program RATIO: Robust Argumentation Machines and will start in 2021. The project will be jointly conducted by Prof. Anette Frank and Prof. Philipp Cimiano (University Bielefeld).
The ACCEPT project aims at creating systems that are able to perform deep understanding of debated issues and analysis of
- potential implications of envisaged decisions,
- how these may affect interested parties, and
- how to weight their potential consequences,
in order to find optimal and widely accepted solutions on debated issues.
The project aims to push the limits beyond prior work in computational argumentation, by designing systems that are able to
- address issues not discussed before.
We aim to do this
- by creating argumentation systems that leverage knowledge resources to perform knowledge-based reasoning, using both sub-symbolic modeling using neural models and symbolic modeling using knowledge graphs, and
- by representing, contextualizing and enriching arguments in a multi-factorial argument knowledge graph that includes stakeholder perspectives and their interests, values and goals.
Based on the argument knowledge graph we will develop methods that analyze debated issues from multiple perspectives and learn to reason towards solutions, in order to support users with interpretable deliberation support.