Three papers accepted at ACL and SIGIR
Three papers from ICL Statistical Natural Language Processing Group accepted at ACL 2014 and SIGIR 2014 :
- Artem Sokolov, Felix Hieber, Stefan Riezler:
Learning to Translate Queries for CLIR.
ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 2014), Gold Coast, Australia. [ pdf ] - Shigehiko Schamoni, Felix Hieber, Artem Sokolov, Stefan Riezler:
Learning Translational and Knowledge-based Similarities from Relevance Rankings for Cross-Language Retrieval.
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2014), Baltimore, MD, USA. [ pdf ] - Stefan Riezler, Patrick Simianer, Carolin Haas:
Response-Based Learning for Grounded Machine Translation.
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2014), Baltimore, MD, USA. [ pdf ]