Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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Workshopprogramm „Stark im Studium“ der Zentralen Studienberatung

Sie wollen entspannt ins Semester starten, die Prüfungszeit gelassen meistern, Schreibblockaden erfolgreich überwinden oder herausfinden, wie es nach dem Bachelorstudium für Sie weitergeht?

Diese und viele weitere studienbezogene Themen werden in den Workshops der Zentralen Studienberatung aufgegriffen.

Mit dem Workshopprogramm „Stark im Studium“ bietet die Zentrale Studienberatung jedes Semester allen Studierenden ein umfangreiches Angebot an kostenfreien Workshops zur Vermittlung studienbezogener Selbstmanagement-Kompetenzen sowie zur Unterstützung in schwierigen Studienphasen. Die Workshops finden in Präsenz oder online statt und werden durch Beraterinnen der Zentralen Studienberatung begleitet.

Das Workshopprogramm für das kommende Semester sowie das Online-Formular zur Anmeldung finden Sie hier: ... mehr

Scholarships for students of Computational Linguistics

The Deutschlandstipendium is open to outstanding students of all nationalities in the Bachelor's or Master's degree programs, whether you are just starting your degree or are already here longer. The selection process also takes into account voluntary engagement and personal circumstances ... mehr

Lust auf Computerlinguistik: Schnuppervorlesungen im Juni

Sollten Sie sich für ein Studium der Computerlinguistik interessieren, dann können Sie im Juni an Schnuppervorlesungen bei uns am Institut teilnehmen (zum Beispiel an unserem Programmierkurs, aber auch an anderen computerlinguistischen Vorlesungen). Unser Angebot mit Kontaktpersonen finden Sie unter ... mehr

Former ICL Student wins the 2023 GSCL Best Thesis Award

At the recent KONVENS 2023 meeting in Ingolstadt, our former BA student Laura Zeidler presented her thesis and was selected for the 2023 edition of the Bi-annual GSCL Best Thesis Award. ... mehr

New scholarships for students of Computational Linguistics

As part of the Deutschlandstipendium (Germany Scholarship), we have received three scholarships directly for students of computational linguistics through the sponsorship of Prof. Dr. Peter Hellwig. ... mehr

Tutorial on Statistical Methods for Reproducible Machine Learning at ICML and ECML

Stefan Riezler and Michael Hagmann are invited to present a tutorial on Statistical Methods for Reproducible Machine Learning at the main machine learning conferences: ICML and ECML.

... mehr

Anette Frank selected as ACL fellow

Congratulations to Anette Frank for having been selected as one of eight ACL Fellows in 2021 for ntegrative work in linguistically informed, technically well-founded semantics- and discourse-oriented natural language processing. ... mehr

Monograph "Validity, Reliability, and Significance: Empirical Methods for NLP and Data Science"

The monograph "Validity, Reliability, and Significance: Empirical Methods for NLP and Data Science" by Stefan Riezler and Michael Hagmann was published in the Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies series by Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ... mehr

Researchers of the NLP Group win IBM Best Paper Award at ArgMining 2021

We are delighted to announce that Juri Opitz, Philipp Heinisch, Philipp Wiesenbach, Philipp Cimiano and Anette Frank received the IBM best paper award for their paper Explainable Unsupervised Argument Similarity Rating with Abstract Meaning Representation and Conclusion Generation ... mehr

Members of the ExpLAIN Project earned the Best Paper Award at the DeeLIO Workshop at NAACL 2021

We're happy to announce that the paper Reconstructing Implicit Knowledge with Language Models by Maria Becker, Siting Liang and Anette Frank has earned the Best Paper Award ... mehr

New DFG Project ACCEPT: Perspectivized Argument Knowledge Graphs for Deliberation Support

New DFG Project ACCEPT: Perspectivized Argument Knowledge Graphs for Deliberation Support ... mehr

A new publication in Heidelberg University’s Research Magazine

A new publication in Heidelberg University’s Research Magazine ... mehr

ExpLAIN project Best Student Paper Award LDK 2019

ExpLAIN project Best Student Paper Award LDK 2019 ... mehr

Google Focused Research Award on Conversational AI

A new research project on the topic of Conversational AI ... mehr

ICL welcomes Prof. Graeme Hirst

Prof. Graeme Hirst from the University of Toronto is visiting the ExpLAIN project ... mehr

Michael herweg appointed Honorary Professor

We are happy to announce that Michael Herweg has been appointed Honorary Professor by Heidelberg ... mehr

HCH 2019: Heidelberg Computational Humanities Summer School

The 2nd Heidelberg Computational Humanities Summer School will take place in July ... mehr

Artem Sokolov appointed Honorary Professor

We are happy to announce that Artem Sokolov has been appointed Honorary Professor by Heidelberg ... mehr

Best Paper Award at KBCOM 2018

The paper “Analysis of the Impact of Negative Sampling on Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs” by Bhushan Kotnis and Vivi Nastase ... mehr

New DFG Project on Knowledge-based Argumentation Analysis

The project "Between the lines -- Knowledge-based Analysis of Argumentation in a formal Argumentation Inference System", is funded within the DFG priority program RATIO: Robust Argumentation Machines. ... mehr

Outstanding Paper at ACL 2017

The paper Detecting annotation noise in automatically labelled data by Ines Rehbein and Josef Ruppenhofer was selected as an Outstanding Paper at ACL 2017. ... mehr

WMT17 Shared Task on Bandit Learning for Machine Translation organized by Statistical NLP group and Amazon Development Center, Berlin

Shared Task on Bandit Learning for Machine Translation with the goal to encourage researchers to investigate algorithms for learning from weak user feedback ... mehr

New DFG-funded project on Interactive Lecture Translation

A new research project on auto-adaptive learning from weak feedback for interactive machine lecture translation will soon start. ... mehr

Outstanding Paper from Statistical NLP group at ACL 2016

The paper "Multimodal Pivots for Image Caption Translation" by Julian Hitschler, Shigehiko Schamoni and Stefan Riezler was selected as an Outstanding Paper ... mehr

Heidelberg System Wins CoNLL 2016 Shared Task on Discourse Relation Sense Disambiguation

Todor Mihaylov and Anette Frank’s submission wins the CoNLL 2016 Shared Task on Discourse Relation Sense Disambiguation. ... mehr

Four Computational Linguistics Ph.D. dissertations defended at ICL and HITS

Four Ph.D. theses were successfully defended at the ICL and the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies in December and January! ... mehr

Industry research cooperation with Amazon

The Statistical NLP group started an industry research cooperation with Amazon ... mehr

Research network on Scientific Computing for Improved Detection and Therapy of Sepsis

The Statistical NLP group will participate in a research network on Scientific Computing for Improved Detection and Therapy of Sepsis (SCIDATOS) ... mehr

Heidelberg System Wins WMT15 QE Shared Task

Julia Kreutzer, Shigehiko Schamoni, and Stefan Riezler's submission of a neural network-based deep learning ... mehr

AIPHES Research Training Group official opening

The interdisciplinary research training group "Adaptive Information Processing from Heterogeneous Sources" will hold an official opening on April 24th 2015 ... mehr

DFG funds new research on machine translation from non-parallel data

Artem Sokolov and Stefan Riezler will start a novel attempt at learning machine translations from data that are not strictly parallel ... mehr

New Leibniz ScienceCampus established.

The ICL and the Institute for the German Language (IDS) will jointly establish the Leibniz ScienceCampus "Empirical Linguistics and Computational Language Learning" ... mehr

DFG funds an interdisciplinary Research Training Group

DFG will fund a new interdisciplinary research training group "Adaptive Information Processing from Heterogeneous Sources". ... mehr

Research Network on "Integrating Vision and Language"

Members of the ICL participate in the COST Network "Integrating Vision and Language" ... mehr

New DFG-funded project

New DFG-funded project on "Grounding Statistical Machine Translation in Perception and Action" ... mehr

Three papers accepted at ACL and SIGIR

Three papers from ICL Statistical Natural Language Processing Group accepted at ACL 2014 and SIGIR 2014 ... mehr

Dr. Andreas Witt appointed Honorary Professor

Dr. Andreas Witt, leader of the research infrastructure group at the IDS, Mannheim, has been appointed Honorary Professor of Digital Humanities at the ICL. ... mehr

PhD theses defended

Nils Reiter and Michael Roth, two PhD students from the ICL Computational Linguistics Group have successfully defended their PhD theses, both under supervision of Anette Frank. ... mehr

Master student wins presentation award at SCCH

Dustin Heckmann has won the second prize for the best student presentation at the SCCH conference for his paper "Citation Segmentation from Sparse & Noisy Data: An Unsupervised Joint Inference Approach with Markov Logic Networks". ... mehr

New publications and data releases

New papers from the ICL Statistical Natural Language Processing Group have been accepted and published. ... mehr

Paper from ICL accepted at EMNLP 2013

A Paper from ICL Statistical Natural Language Processing Group has been accepted at EMNLP 2013. ... mehr

Two machine translation papers accepted

Two machine translation papers from ICL Statistical Natural Language Processing group were accepted ... mehr

25-jähriges Jubiläum

Das Institut für Computerlinguistik feiert sein 25. Jubiläum. Zu diesem Anlass erzählte uns Peter Hellwig den Weg der Heidelberger Computerlinguistik. ... mehr

DGfS/EXCITEMENT CL fall school

The 2013 DGfS/EXCITEMENT Computational Linguistics Fall school will take place in Heidelberg in September ... mehr

ICL publications at ACL and *SEM

ICL members will present six papers at the upcoming ACL and *SEM conferences ... mehr

Team from ICL participates in NTCIR-10 patent translation task

Members of the project "Cross-language Learning-to-Rank for Patent Retrieval" successfully participated in the NTCIR-10 PatentMT shared task. ... mehr

German-English parallel patent corpus released

We are happy to announce the release of a parallel corpus of patent text for the German-English language pair. The corpus contains 23 million sentence pairs. ... mehr

Tutorial über Textuelle Inferenz

Das ICL wird mit dem Deutschen Forschungszentrum für künstliche Intelligenz beim Jahrestreffen der internationalen Gesellschaft für künstliche Intelligenz ein Tutorial geben. ... mehr

Neue ICL-Papiere

Das ICL wird bei der IWCS-Konferenz im März mit insgesamt fünf Papieren vertreten sein. ... mehr

Warum Computerlinguistik studieren?

Auch in diesem Jahr ist die Computerlinguistik beim Studieninformationstag der Universität Heidelberg am 21. November 2012 vertreten. Wir laden alle Interessierten ein, uns an unserem Stand zu besuchen. ... mehr

New DFG-funded project on "Cross-language Learning-to-Rank for Patent Retrieval"

Members of ICL have embarked on a new DFG-funded project on "Cross-language Learning-to-Rank for Patent Retrieval". The project, led by Stefan Riezler, aims at directly integrating patent search and translation to improve, e.g., multilingual patent prior art search. ... mehr

ICL und IWR bei der Science Academy 2012

Rund 20 mathematik- und informatikbegeisterte Schülerinnen und Schüler besuchten im Rahmen der Science Academy Baden-Württemberg am 3. September das IWR Heidelberg. Neben Topologie und 3D-Visualisierung stand auch Computerlinguistik auf dem Programm. ... mehr

ICL takes part in several conferences this summer

From May to August 2012 a total of twelve papers with participation of ICL researchers will be presented at eight international workshops and conferences. ... mehr

ICL participates in EU project EXCITEMENT

Since January 2012, the Department of Computational Linguistics at Heidelberg University participates in the EU-funded project EXCITEMENT: EXploring Customer Interactions through Textual EntailMENT. ... mehr

April conference news: ICL presents three papers

In April, ICL will present a total of three papers at two international conferences: EACL 2012, Avignon and PROPOR 2012, Coimbra ... mehr

Orientierungsveranstaltung für Schüler am 02.05.2012

Im Rahmen der Orientierungstage Rhein-Neckar bietet das ICL eine Informationsveranstaltung für Schüler an, die sich für ein Computerlinguisticstudium interessieren. ... mehr

One PostDoc/PhD position available

The chair of Linguistic Informatics at the Institute for Computational Linguistics, Heidelberg University, Germany, invites applications for a research associate position (PhD or PostDoc) in the research project "Cross-language Learning-to-Rank for Patent Retrieval" funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) ... mehr

TLT10 and ACRH in Heidelberg, January 2012

TLT10 and ACRH will take place in January 2012 in Heidelberg. The scientific programs are now settled and published on the workshop webpages. ... mehr

First meeting of the CLARIN-D working group

The first meeting of the CLARIN-D working group on applied linguistics and computational linguistics will take place in Heidelberg on October 24th. We are happy to welcome the members of the working group at the Department of Computational Linguistics, Heidelberg University. ... mehr

One postdoc/PhD student position

The Institute for Computational Linguistics (ICL) at Heidelberg University invites applications for a research associate position in the EU-funded project EXCITEMENT on multilingual semantic processing. This position can be filled by a Postdoc or a PhD student. ... mehr

Five three-year PhD scholarships

The institute is happy to announce five three-year PhD scholarships for work in the area of "semantics beyond the sentence: coherence in language processing". The scholarships are available from October 1st 2011; applications should be sent electronically before July 31st 2011. ... mehr

1st Call for Papers

(22.03.2011) 1st Call for Papers out for the 10th edition of the "International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories", TLT 10 to be held in Heidelberg, 6-7th January 2012. Keynote speakers at TLT 10 will be Eduard Hovy and Victoria Rosén. ... mehr

Two-year PhD scholarship

(17.02.2011) A PhD scholarship (salary EUR 1280/month, tax-free) is available for a student working in the area of Computational Linguistics/Natural Language Processing. Candidates are free to choose the topic of their PhD projects as long as they are within the general interests of the faculty of the graduate program. ... mehr

“The Role of Context in Language Processing”

(05.02.2011) A new cooperation project between ICL and the Department of Computing at Macquarie University has been established. The project is funded by the Global Networks Project of the Excellence Initiative of Heidelberg University. ... mehr

Joint Doctoral Program on Semantic Processing

(26.01.2011) The Department of Computational Linguistics at Heidelberg University and the Natural Language Processing Group at HITS offer a joint Doctoral Program on Semantic Processing. ... mehr

SCL etabliert Kooperation mit UT Austin

(05.11.2010) Die Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung hat den Projektantrag "Linguistically Adequate Empirical Representation of Word Meaning" von Sebastian Padó und Katrin Erk (Dept. of Linguistics, University of Texas at Austin) im Rahmen des TransCoop-Programms bewilligt. ... mehr

Michael Strube zum Honorarprofessor ernannt

(02.11.2010) Dr. Michael Strube, Leiter der Forschungsgruppe "Natural Language Processing" am Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien (HITS) wurde zum Honorarprofessor am Seminar für Computerlinguistik (SCL) der Universität Heidelberg ernannt. ... mehr

SCL jetzt Mitglied im PASCAL-Exzellenznetzwerkn

(23.10.2010) Der Antrag des Seminars für Computerlinguistik auf Aufnahme in das Exzellenznetzwerk PASCAL („Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning“) der Europäischen Union ist positiv begutachtet worden. PASCAL vereinigt viele der profiliertesten europäischen Forschungsinstitute in den Bereichen maschinelles Lernen und kognitive Modellierung. ... mehr

SCL at KONVENS 2010 in Saarbrücken

(17.06.2010) Our submission on "Rapid Bootstrapping of Word Sense Disambiguation Resources for German" has been accepted at the 10. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung Natürlicher Sprache. ... mehr

SCL at COLING 2010 in Beijing

(08.06.2010) All our submissions have been accepted for the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING). ... mehr

SCL at the ACL 2010 in Uppsala

(20.05.2010) All our submissions, 8 in number, have been accepted for the Main Conference, Workshops and the Student Research Workshop at the upcoming 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics in Uppsala, Sweden, July 1116. ... mehr

Kooperation der Computerlinguistik mit der East China Normal University in Shanghai

(21.04.2010) Das Seminar für Computerlinguistik hat einen Kooperationsvertrag mit dem Institute of Computer Applications (ICA) der East China Normal University (ECNU) in Shanghai abgeschlossen. Der Vertrag begründet eine Zusammenarbeit in Forschung und Lehre sowie einen Austausch Studierender zwischen den beiden Einrichtungen. Kooperationsthemen sind „Semantic Web“ und „Smart Sensor Networks“. ... mehr

Second Installment of the GIVE challenge with SCL student participation

(13.04.2010) Students attending Michael Roth's seminar on “Natural Language Generation for Virtual Environments” developed a system that generates instructions to guide users through virtual 3D worlds. The resulting system is currently taking part in the so-called GIVE challenge. ... mehr

Simone Ponzetto is guest editor of a Special Issue of the "Artificial Intelligence Journal"

(01.03.2010) Together with Eduard Hovy and Roberto Navigli, Simone Paolo Ponzetto is guest editor of a Special Issue of the Artificial Intelligence Journal on Artificial Intelligence, Wikipedia and Semi-Structured Resources.

Department of Computational Linguistics at the LREC

(11.02.2010) All our submissions to the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 2010 (LREC) have been accepted. We have four papers on a wide range of exciting topics: ... mehr

Anette Frank at KONVENS 2010 in Saarbrücken

(08.02.2010) Anette Frank will be giving an invited talk at KONVENS 2010 (10. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung Natürlicher Sprache), September 6.-8., 2010, Saarbrücken

Einladung zur ersten "Poster Session zu Abschlussarbeiten und Software-Projekten der Computerlinguistik"

(26.01.2010) Das Seminar für Computerlinguistik plant, ab dem Sommersemester 2010 ein regelmäßiges Forum für die öffentliche Präsentation studentischer Abschlussarbeiten und Live-Demonstration abgeschlossener Software-Projekte zu veranstalten. Die Veranstaltung hat das Format einer "Poster Session" und findet erstmals statt am Donnerstag, den 15.04.2010, ab 15 Uhr, im Obergeschoss des Foyers von INF 306. ... mehr

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