Master student of ICL wins presentation award at the SCCH conference
Dustin Heckmann has won the second prize for the best student presentation at the SCCH conference for his paper "Citation Segmentation from Sparse & Noisy Data: An Unsupervised Joint Inference Approach with Markov Logic Networks".
The Scientific Computing for Cultural Heritage (SCCH) Conference took place on the 18th to 20th November 2013 at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
Dustin Heckmann gave a great presentation of his work on the Turkology Annual, a multilingual bibliography that was digitized in an interdisciplinary project of ICL with the Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe. The work Dustin presented is an extension of his BA thesis, supervised by Anette Frank.
The accompanying joint publication is currently under review for the Journal on Literary and Linguistic Computing.
Congratulations to Dustin for his fine work!
More information can be found here.